A Vue 3 Learning Path

With Vue 3’s release around the corner, Vue developers can start preparing now by learning how to use the new features and APIs. On our platform, you can find courses teaching you the core component composition differences between Vue 2 and Vue 3, step-by-step tutorials on building a Vue 3 app, and even a deep dive into the rewritten framework taught by the creator of Vue 3: Evan You.

We’ve designed a learning path where you can find our growing library of Vue 3 courses. Here’s what you can use to prepare for Vue 3’s arrival:

Intro to Vue 3 (free course!)

Vue 3 Composition API

From Vue 2 to Vue 3

Vue 3 Reactivity

Vue 3 Deep Dive with Evan You

Build a Gmail Clone with Vue 3

Vue 3 Forms (coming soon!)

Intro to Vue 3

If you’re brand new to Vue.js, this course is your first step for building a foundation of Vue skills. You’ll learn the fundamentals of Vue 3 and put concepts into practice by building an app. Every lesson ends with a coding challenge, helping you solidify what you’re learning every step of the way.

This course is entirely free, and you can dive into it right now here.

Vue 3 Composition API

A feature so neat, it needed its own course. The Composition API is an alternative way to compose components for scalable Vue applications. This API was built to solve several problems that came up in Vue 2. In this course, you’ll understand what those limitations were and how to use the Composition API to solve them.

We also created this free Vue 3 Composition API cheat sheet , which you can download to help you on this journey.

From Vue 2 to Vue 3

Migrating from Vue 2? This course will be your new survival guide, covering the new features and breaking changes that you’ll run into when composing components using Vue 3. The more familiar these features are to you, the more powerful applications you’ll be able to deliver, while harnessing all of the perks of Vue 3.

Vue 3 Reactivity

Did you know the reactivity system was completely rewritten for Vue 3? Learning how it works under the hood is a sure way to level-up your development skills. This course will show you reactivity from the ground up, and you’ll practice by building a simple reactivity system.

This course features a Q & A with Evan You (the creator of Vue).

Vue 3 Deep Dive with Evan You

Another way to know what’s really going on with Vue 3, is to watch the man who wrote it: Evan You. In this course, Evan walks through many of the new features in this deep dive (and you’ll watch him code!). This in-depth course will help you wrap your mind around the thought process behind Vue 3, so you can more effectively build and scale Vue applications.

Build a Gmail Clone with Vue 3

A great way to really get a concept down is to put theory into practice. This course will walk you through a project in which you’ll build a feature-rich app that makes use of the core features of Vue 3. These features include the Composition API, the Reactivity System, and the Suspense Component.

Vue 3 Forms (coming soon!)

This course will walk you through how to create simpler and more powerful reusable forms with Vue 3.

Now that you have a run-down of our Vue 3 path, you can see what each of these courses holds for yourself. Getting comfortable working with a framework, let alone a new version of your favorite framework, is a journey. Our path is designed to support you on that journey, and we’ll continue adding courses to it. You can begin here.

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