Opening Keynote with Evan You
June 8-10, 2022
Vue Mastery is the sole destination for VueConf US 2022 conference videos.
Opening Keynote with Evan You
Learn how Productiv migrated a full-featured SPA which was built on top of Vue 2 over three years ago and now contains nearly 300 pages, over 1000 components, and nearly 250k LOC to Vue 3, what we discovered about the process, and what benefits we saw as a result.
In this talk I’ll discuss the benefits of creating your own, internal UI library. It’s something I consider to be a best practice which will make your applications more maintainable and resilient to change. We’ll look at what it means, how to begin, and what options are available to help you.
Unit testing is something you've been told you should do, but have you ever wondered why? Or what you should test? Or how to test what you should test? In this talk, we'll break down the answers to all of these questions. We'll also talk about how to set up an easy-to-use framework for any Vue app so that your tests most accurately represent how a user would interact with your platform.
Modern applications built with frameworks like Vue can add complexity to the debugging process. With the right approach, debugging doesn't have to be frustrating. This talk will cover debugging considerations specific to Vue, including the Vue Lifecycle, Reactive State, error handling, and more.
Pinia is state management library for Vue that everyone is talking about. Join me as we peek under the hood of it's open source code and see if we can dissect exactly what makes it tick.
What's coming in Nuxt 3
This talk will provide guidance for understanding how to think and approach building accessible components.
In this presentation we will be diving into animating Vue.js applications with GSAP.
CI/CD, Progressive Delivery, AIOps, GitOps, TreeOps - are they all the same, or are they just reimagining last week’s buzz words? In this talk, we will break down a few of these terms, what they mean, how they’re used, and why they may matter for you and your teams.
In the Stress-free Testing workshop, you'll learn how to test both simple and complex components. Optional Typescript track with the Composition API. Hands-on Activities: Use TDD to build new components (Modals, Accordions, and Lists) Test components that use transitions, scoped slots, and async network requests Test basic components that use slots, props, and events Learn patterns for working with Vuex, Pinia, Vue Router, and VueI18n Leverage spies, mocks, and stubs to make assertions about your components behavior Setup Code Coverage and Accessibility Tests Testing Fundamentals: The Anatomy of a Test Runner - Terms and Definitions. The Testing Pyramid - Understanding End-to-end Testing, component testing, and unit testing. The Critical Path - Thinking like a user about tests and code quality. The Best Practices - Testing best practices and how to avoid common mistakes. At the end of this workshop, you should have the functional knowledge on how to tackle and test complex Vue components as well as understand how to craft a reliable component test and determine what's worth testing.
A small team of Google Chrome engineers are working full-time to improve both the user and developer experiences of open-source frameworks. This talk will dive into why Google is investing in this space as well as cover some high-impact features we’ve shipped that have improved Nuxt.js’ default experience.
It's 2022, and mobile development is more essential to everyday life than it’s ever been. With this, developers have had to pick and choose what tech stack they would use to build for mobile. While this started with one set of tools per platform, we now have multiple options available, and some that can even target multiple platforms with one codebase. But one question remains: what’s the right set of tools? In this talk, we’ll examine what technologies are available, and explore if the tech stack we need has been the web all along.
This talk will include a step by step guide on how to setup your own custom component library published to NPM with the VueCli and Tailwind in under 20 minutes.
We all want to have a high performing website and provide a great experience to our users. There can be so many items that can cause your website to perform poorly. I will share some great tips to improve your image performance using Vue 3 and pass Google's Core Web Vitals.